摘 要
Non contact measurement and 3D reconstruction of robot rack for sweeping
With the rapid development of modern planning machine technology and progress, we intend to machine three-dimensional modeling technology is reverse engineering technology in the industrial technology, we have been fully shown and widely used. In order to solve the problem of difficult to measure the external support of robot, this paper discusses the reverse engineering modeling method of robot external support, and describes the view and method of reverse engineering. Through the non-contact measurement of optical scanner, the cloud data of the robot bracket is obtained, and the measured data are optimized with imageware and geomagic software, and the surface of the floor is reconstructed by NURBS surface reconstruction theory. finally, the surface reconstruction of the floor support of the sweeping robot is realized, and the 3d phase and three-dimensional diagram of the robot bracket are generated. Compared with the conventional forward planning measures, this measure not only increased the working power, but also shortened the enlightenment cycle of the new product. Imitation and imitation industry has become a stable production method for some enterprises in China, and some imitations of the market hot products are common, and the very wide application of reverse engineering plays a decisive role in it. As a result, it is wrong and undesirable to link adverse works and illegal imitations together., even the legal aspects such as protection of common sense property rights protection are even suggested. In fact, reverse engineering represents a very efficient method and idea of product planning. Starting from the basic point of reverse engineering planning, this paper discusses the basic viewpoints of reverse engineering in modern creative industry and the influence of reverse engineering in mold creation.
Key words:Reverse Engincontact measurement Point Cloud;
目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2课题建立的背景及意义 1
1.2.1逆向工程在我们国内外研讨状况 2
1.2.2逆向工程的道理及特点 2
1.2.3逆向工程概述及分类 3
1.2.4课题的目的及意义 4
1.3研讨内容 4
本章总结 4
2逆向工程软硬件设置 5
2.1扫描设置 5
2.2点云处理软件 6
2.3曲面处理软件 7
2.4实体建模软件 8
2.5实体三维数据的扫描 9
本章总结 9
3 三维扫描行程及图像阐明 10
3.1三维光学衡量仪的操作设施� 10
3.4 如何标定摄像头 11
3.5 硬件标定 11
3.6 三维扫描仪简介 11
3.7 三维扫描仪的标定 11
3.8 标定方法 12
3.9 拼接 22
3.10 曲面重构 23
3.11 实体造型 24
3.12 数据导入 25
本章总结 25
4三维立体图的制作及打印 26
4.1 工业设计 26
4.2 产品设计 26
4.3 仿真、确认和优化 27
4.4 模具设计 27
4.5 3D打印机打印操作 28
本章总结 30
结 论 31
1.物件的测量技巧 31
2.拼接的方法 32
3.针对塑料类零件的扫描方法。 32
4.三维数模的作用 33
致 谢 34
参考文献 35
1 绪 论
逆向工程(Reverse Engineering)是根据现有实物本相的衡量数据归纳出部件的策划观点和CAD本相,逆向工程的感化就是消化吸收并且改革我们国内外的先进手艺,飞快赶上并且超过全世界先进生产手艺程度、赢得市场竞争,作为近年来飞快起色的飞快策划机械创造手艺的重要分支,还可以大幅度缩短产物创造周期,这样就可在机械创造规模得到了广泛的应用。