摘 要
Programming and Realization of NC machining for impeller assembly
This Graduation projectis for machining parts of Impeller parts by Five-axis linkage CNC machine tools. The flexible application of the subjects such as Machining technology, powermill, NC and so on. It solves the problem of the technological analysis of the parts, the scheme of machining cutting tool selection, the selection of cutting parameter and so on. Only by solving these problems can we produce qualified impeller parts.
This graduation project takes the PowerMILL software as the platform, completes to the impeller part numerical control processing and the programming. Impeller parts are widely used in aerospace, automobile manufacturing and other industries. They are the core components of various types of turbine engines. Its performance has a direct impact on the performance of the engine. Therefore, its processing is particularly important. This article mainly introduces how to complete the whole machining method of impeller parts with a cutting tool..
Powermill in this software, the impeller processing has a specific processing strategy, in the "leaf plate processing" option, there are "leaf plate region clearance", "blade finishing" and "hub finishing" three modules. This article is processed in accordance with these three processing strategies in turn... Before processing, the process parameters of the impeller parts were analyzed firstly, and the positioning method was determined, and the reasonable fixture and cutter were selected. Then determine the processing program and route, and finally NC machining and programming. After program verification, the final simulation is successful.
Key words:CAD/CAM;Machining technology;powermill;NC
1绪论 1
1.1数控机床的概述 1
1.2数控机床发展趋势 3
1.3数控加工工艺及其特点 4
1.4叶轮零件加工分析和准备。 5
1.4.1叶轮零件结构分析 5
1.4.2叶轮加工毛坯准备 6
1.5叶轮加工的发展历史【10】 7
2 . 工艺参数的分析 8
2.1数控加工工艺分析 8
2.2叶轮加工特性分析 8
2.3加工方法的选择与加工方案确定 9
2.4工序与工步的划分【13】 9
2.5零件的安装和夹具的选择 10
2.5.1定位安装的基本原则 10
2.5.2选择夹具的基本原则 10
2.5.3叶轮零件的定位与夹紧方案的选择。 11
2.6刀具的选择与切削用量的确定 11
2.6.1刀具的选择【14】 11
2.6.2切削用量的确定 12
2.7对刀点与换刀点的确定 13
2.8加工路线的确定 13
3 叶轮零件的数控加工及其编程 15
3.1叶轮编程要点分析 15
3.2叶轮加工编程过程 15
3.3刀具路径的生成 21
3.4检查碰撞和过切 29
4.生成程序及仿真 30
结论 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35
附录 36