摘 要
本文通过三维绘图软件对直齿圆柱齿轮进行建模,将建立好的模型再移入到有限元软件Ansys Workbench18.0中,建立有限元网格,由于齿轮在传动过程中主要受到来自轴向扭矩的外力作用,所以对其加载一个扭矩,进行一般工作状况和极限工作状况的静力学分析,得出应力图和应变云图,通过轮齿上节点的变形量来衡量齿轮的刚度。之后再利用workbench平台中的modal功能,对齿轮传动系统进行模态分析,得出齿轮传动系统的前10阶模态振型图,确定其动态特性,以便帮助系统进行优化,规避共振对零件的损害。
Stiffness calculation and finite element simulation of spur gear
Gear is an important part in industrial production. With the rapid development of industry and manufacturing,gear transmission has been widely concerned by scholars at home and abroad. People put forward higher requirements for the accuracy and safety of gear transmission system , The stiffness calculation of gears has become a research topic . In this paper, according to the research progress of gear stiffness calculation at home and abroad, two kinds of calculation methods, theoretical calculation method and numerical calculation method of spur gear stiffness are discussed.
In this paper, the straight spur gear is modeled by 3D drawing software. Then the model will be imported into Ansys Workbench18.0, and establishment of finite element mesh. Because the gear in the transmission process is mainly from the axial torque of the external force . Therefore, a torque is applied to the static analysis of the general working condition and the limit working condition,and the stress diagram and deformation are obtained. The stiffness of the gear is measured by the deformation of the joints on the gear teeth. Then, using the modal function in the workbench platform, modal analysis is carried out on the gear transmission system to obtain the first 10 order modal shape diagram of the gear transmission system and determine its dynamic characteristics, so as to help the system optimize and avoid the damage of resonance to parts.
Keywords: spur gear; Finite element; Stiffness calculation; Static analysis; The modal analysis
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 对齿轮刚度计算的研究进展 1
1.2 齿轮的几种刚度 1
1.3 齿轮刚度的几种计算方法 2
1.4 齿轮刚度的理论计算方法 2
1.5 齿轮刚度的数值分析方法 3
本章小结 3
2 直齿圆柱齿轮刚度的理论计算方法 4
2.1 齿轮刚度的定义 4
2.2 威伯班纳斯切克计算方法 4
2.3 石川公式 5
本章小结 5
3 直齿圆柱齿轮的三维建模 6
3.1 利用SolidWorks软件建模直齿圆柱齿轮 6
3.2设置直齿圆柱齿轮参数 7
3.3 对两个齿轮进行装配 8
本章小结 9
4 建立齿轮啮合有限元模型 10
4.1 有限单元属性 10
4.2 对模型进行网格划分 11
4.3 添加轴向载荷 12
本章小结 13
5 变形量与应力分析 14
5.1 数据分析及处理 14
5.1.1 一般工况下齿轮刚度和强度分析 14
5.1.2 极限工况下齿轮的刚度及强度分析 16
本章小结 17
6 齿轮传动模态分析 19
6.1 无预应力下的自由模态分析 19
6.2 预应力模态分析 21
本章小结 23
全文总结 24
展 望 26
致 谢 27
参考文献 28
1 绪论
1.1 对齿轮刚度计算的研究进展
1.2 齿轮的几种刚度
齿轮的刚度 单齿副啮合刚度