摘 要
Five-axis laser cutting machine frame design
The development of industrialization is bound to bring higher demand for science and technology, ordinary CNC machine tools because of the limitations of all aspects, it is difficult to meet some specific parts of the processing, at this time, laser cutting machine tools came into being. The laser cutting machine tool USES the laser cutting technology, can cut the complex curved surface the three-dimensional part, nowadays its technical development day by day is mature, the market demand is also more and more big, therefore how develops the high performance-price ratio the frame to become the most important thing.
The subject of the five-axis laser cutting machine frame design, mainly completed the X direction, Y direction and Z direction of the transmission system design. During the design process, specific design analysis and calculation check were carried out for the transmission mechanism in all directions. Among them, the X axis and Y axis selected the rack and pinion transmission system, and the Z axis selected the ball screw pair transmission system with relatively high accuracy because of the rotary table connection. The design of the transmission system in the rack and pinion, motor reducer, ball screw pair, ball guide for the calculation and selection. In order to verify the feasibility of the system, the stiffness of the system is analyzed.
Three-dimensional five-axis cutting machine tool in the modern machining is difficult to shake the status, it successfully developed broke the three-dimensional laser processing to Germany for a long time in China, Japan and other developed countries, promoted our country greatly in the aspects of car shipping, aerospace equipment processing efficiency, strengthen the industrial production capacity in China, greatly enhance the national strength, for our country in the international competition improves the powerful technical support.
Key words:Five-axis laser cutting machine ;Rack design ;Rack and pinion;Ball screw rod
1 绪论 1
1.1研究的目的及意义 1
1.2国内外研究状况 1
1.3任务设计 2
1.3.1总体设计方案分析 2
1.3.2基本步骤内容 2
2 总体设计方案 4
2.1主要设计参数及依据 7
2.2初步确定X,Y轴传动系统和Z轴传动系统的估算重量 7
2.3机架的设计 7
2.3.1机架的结构设计 7
2.3.2机架材料的选择 8
3 传动系统的设计 9
3.1X轴传动系统设计 9
3.1.1导轨的选型和计算 9
3.1.2 X轴电动机的选择 13
3.1.3 X轴减速器的选择 15
3.1.4齿轮齿条的设计 15
3.2Y轴传动系统设计 22
3.2.1导轨的选型和计算 22
3.2.2 Y轴电动机的选择 25
3.2.3 Y轴减速机的选择 26
3.2.4齿轮齿条的设计 26
3.3Z轴传动系统的设计 32
3.3.1丝杠的选型 32
3.3.2 Z轴电动机的选择 36
3.3.3 Z轴减速器的选择 37
3.3.4联轴器的选择 37
3.3.5连接杆强度校准 37
结 论 39
致 谢 40
参考文献 41
1 绪论
激光技术被誉为二十世纪最重要的科学发明之一,它的问世激起了材料科学界的轩然大波。而五轴激光切割机则是采用了激光技术的高端机床,它的应用更是包括各行各业,包括航空航天制造业、汽车轮船制造、各种工程机械等等[[1]]。该设备具有以下特点: ⑴高架龙门式结构,通过横梁移动,加工空间大。⑵光纤激光器电光转换率高,比相同功率CO2 激光器能耗低60%,而且没有光路维护,也没有气体消耗,运行成本相对较低。⑶回转工作头能实现360°无限旋转,加工头快速更换,无需调节,提供更稳定的加工。传统三维件的加工方式不仅效率低下,而且切割效果也很粗糙,还经常因为达不到切割精度而造成工件报废。采用五轴激光切割机,不仅能提高切割精度,而且能使切割端面更光滑,配备三维离线编程软件,结合稳定可靠的工件夹具,对客户的批量化工件可以真正做到一次编程、 无限切割,保证工件品质的始终如一。