摘 要
Design of forklift left cross shaft drilling cross hole tooling and hydraulic system
This graduation project titled "Forklift Left Steering Shaft Cross Hole Tooling and Hydraulic System Design" details the working principle of the hydraulic system of the forklift drilling cross hole and the working process of the overall mechanism, including the design of the entire hydraulic system and Calculation. The contents of this design include: hydraulic cylinder motion and speed analysis, hydraulic system schematic design, integrated block design, hydraulic cylinder selection and size calculation, hydraulic valve type and tank size calculation according to required pressure and calculated flow rate. And design, overall structural design.
Based on the previous hydraulic system, the analysis of the occasion used for the cross hole of the left steering shaft of the forklift is based on the fact that the two cylinders can work sequentially and their safety. After consulting a large amount of information and the teacher's suggestion, the one-way throttle valve and the stroke reversing valve are used to solve the double-cylinder sequential motion problem, and the relief valve is used to solve the safety problem.
The hydraulic system designed by this design uses hydraulic manifolds, making it easy to overhaul and replace parts. The parts designed in the design are as standard as possible, reducing costs and facilitating maintenance.
Key words: Forklift left steering shaft,drill cross hole tooling; hydraulic system; double cylinder sequential movement
目 录
摘要 I
前言 1
1 设计简介及任务 2
1.1 设计内容及要求 2
1.1.1 题目名称 2
1.1.2 设计要求 2
1.1.3 主要设计技术参数 2
1.2 叉车转向轴钻十字孔液压系统概述 2
1.2.1 国内外叉车转向轴钻十字孔液压系统状况 2
1.2.3 工装的整体结构 3
1.2.5 液压系统及其工作原理 5
1.3 液压技术的特点 6
1.3.1 液压技术的优点 6
1.3.2 液压技术的缺点 7
1.4 液压传动与其他传动方式的综合比较 7
1.5 液压系统的结构特点 8
2.1 液压系统的设计原则与依据 9
2.1.1 液压系统的设计原则 9
2.1.2 液压系统的设计依据 9
2.2 液压系统的计算 10
2.2.1 明确设计要求,进行工况分析 10
2.3 系统功能设计 10
2.3.1 液压缸工作压力的确定 10
2.3.2 液压系统的具体计算 10
2.3.3 液压元件的选择设计 15
3 液压缸总体设计 18
3.1 液压缸结构设计 18
3.1.1 液压缸缸体与缸盖的连接结构 18
3.1.2 活塞与活塞杆的连接机构 18
3.1.5 防尘装置 19
3.1.6 液压缸的缓冲装置 20
3.1.7 液压缸的排气装置 20
3.2 液压缸主要零件材料及技术要求 20
3.2.1 缸体 20
3.2.2 缸盖 20
3.2.3 活塞 21
4 集成块装置的设计 22
4.1 概述及特点 22
4.1.1 集成块的一般结构 22
4.1.2 集成块的特点 22
4.2 集成块设计 23
4.2.1 分解液压系统并绘制集成块单元回路图 23
4.2.2 集成块的设计 24
5 液压站及辅助装置的设计 26
5.1油箱装置的设计 26
5.1.1油箱尺寸确定 26
5.1.2油箱的结构设计 27
5.2 液压泵装置的设计 28
5.2.1 液压泵的安装方式 28
5.2.2 液压泵与电机的联接 29
5.2.3 电机的安装 29
5.3 其它辅助元件的选择 29
5.3.1 液位计的选择 30
5.3.2 空气过滤器的选择 30
5.3.3 管路和管接头的选择 31
5.3.4 布置液压系统管道时应注意的问题 32
结论 33
致 谢 34
参考文献: 35