摘 要
Hydraulic System Design Summary for All-hydraulic Riveting Machine
This paper is entitled "hydraulic system Design of full hydraulic riveting Machine". Based on the design principle of hydraulic riveting machine, this paper refers to a large number of design literature and design experience of riveting machine. Firstly, the working condition of the hydraulic system of the riveting machine is analyzed, and the schematic diagram of the hydraulic system of the full hydraulic riveting machine is designed according to the working condition requirements. Then the selection and size calculation of the mechanism of the hydraulic cylinder are determined according to the design parameters, and then the type of hydraulic valve and hydraulic accessories is selected according to the pressure and flow rate of the hydraulic system of the calculation riveting machine, and the design and calculation of the fuel tank are carried out. The whole structure design of hydraulic integrated block. Finally, the pumping station design and inspection of the hydraulic system of riveting machine are designed..
In this paper, on the basis of the traditional hydraulic system, the key to the analysis of the use of the hydraulic riveting machine lies in the synchronization and safety of the two cylinders, and under the condition of consulting a large number of materials and the suggestions of the teachers, The shunt collector valve and interlocked hydraulic one-way valve are used to solve the problem of double-cylinder synchronization, and the mechanical lock controlled by spring cylinder is used to solve the safety problem.
The hydraulic system designed in this paper adopts hydraulic integration block, which makes it very convenient to repair and replace parts. The parts designed in the design adopt standard parts as much as possible to reduce the cost and facilitate maintenance.
Key words: riveting machine; hydraulic system; double cylinder synchronization; safety
前言 1
第一章 设计简介及任务 2
1.1 设计内容及要求 2
1.1.1 题目名称 2
1.1.2 设计内容 2
1.1.3 主要设计技术参数 2
1.1.4 液压系统工作循环 2
1.2 液压铆接机液压系统概述 2
1.2.1 国内液压铆接机液压系统状况 2
1.2.2液压铆接机设计的目的及意义 2
1.2.3 液压铆接机的整体结构 3
1.2.4 液压系统的组成 4
1.2.5 液压系统及其工作原理 5
1.2.6 系统技术特点 8
1.3 液压技术的特点 8
1.3.1 液压技术的优点 8
1.3.2 液压技术的缺点 8
1.4 液压传动与其他传动方式的综合比较 9
1.5 液压系统的结构特点 10
第二章 液压传动系统的设计与计算 11
2.1 液压系统的设计原则与依据 11
2.1.1 液压系统的设计原则 11
2.1.2 液压系统的设计依据 11
2.2 液压系统的计算 12
2.2.1 明确设计要求,进行工况分析 12
2.3 系统功能设计 12
2.3.2 液压系统的具体计算 12
2.3.3 液压元件的选择设计 17
第三章 液压缸总体设计 19
3.1 液压缸结构设计 19
3.1.1 液压缸缸体与缸盖的连接结构 19
3.1.2 活塞与活塞杆的连接机构 19
3.1.3 活塞与缸体的密封形式 19
3.1.4 活塞杆的导向装置与密封、防尘装置 20
3.1.5 防尘装置 20
3.1.6 液压缸的缓冲装置 21
3.1.7 液压缸的排气装置 21
3.2 液压缸主要零件材料及技术要求 21
3.2.1 缸体 21
3.2.2 缸盖 21
3.2.3 活塞 22
第四章 集成块装置的设计 23
4.1 概述及特点 23
4.1.1 集成块的一般结构 23
4.1.2 集成块的特点 23
4.2 集成块设计 24
4.2.1 分解液压系统并绘制集成块单元回路图 24
第五章 液压站及辅助装置的设计 26
5.1油箱装置的设计 26
5.1.1油箱尺寸确定 26
5.1.2油箱的结构设计 27
5.2 液压泵装置的设计 28
5.2.1 液压泵的安装方式 29
5.2.2 液压泵与电机的联接 29
5.2.3 电机的安装 30
5.3 其它辅助元件的选择 30
5.3.1 液位计的选择 30
5.3.2 空气过滤器的选择 31
5.3.3 管路和管接头的选择 32
5.3.4 布置液压系统管道时应注意的问题 32
总 结 33
致 谢 34
参考文献 35
铆接技术是一项利用机械产生的轴向力,将铆钉打入零件并将零件连接的紧固铆接工艺。中国最早的铆接技术起源于春秋战国时期,那时的各国诸侯乘坐的马车依靠 已被成千上万的制造企业用来对钣材或零部件进行成型或固定。采用这种工艺的设备,其铆头在接触到工件时会同时产生压力和机械运动。铆接技术最早采用的是气压传动,由于其效率低、噪声大等特点,对生产制造造成很大影响。