摘 要
Parametric design of serpentine flow channel microfluidic chip based on secondary development of SolidWorks
With the continuous development of today's social sciences, more and more items tend to be miniaturized. This trend can be especially reflected in the design of chips. Microfluidic chips are widely concerned as an emerging scientific research hotspot. However, the prototype design of the microfluidic chip is a repetitive work. The chip design size needs to be changed repeatedly, which takes up a lot of designer's research time. For this reason, we can model the chip through the secondary development method. Size parameterization is convenient for designers to make dimensional changes. SolidWorks is a 3D modeling software that is easy to operate and provides secondary development support. It can be used as a parametric modeling tool for microfluidic chips.
SolidWorks is a powerful, easy-to-learn and 3D solid modeling application software that allows operators to combine their own technology for technological innovation. These features make the software the world's leading, mainstream 3D solution. At the same time, the software has good openness and compatibility, can be seamlessly compatible with other professional software, and provides technical support for secondary development. This paper briefly introduces the principle and method of secondary development of SolidWorks on the basis of VB6.0, focusing on how to use the secondary development function of SolidWorks for the design of serpentine flow channel microfluidic chip, and apply VB6.0 Parametric design of the chip, and how to use VB6.0 to transfer the parameterized program and assembly data program to SolidWorks, design automatic assembly and parameterization functions, and complete the fast and accurate design of the serpentine flow channel required by the user. Microfluidic chip model.
Key words: Microfluidic Chip;Serpentine flow channel;SolidWorks secondary development;VB6.0
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 基于Solidworks的二次开发研究现状 1
1.2.2二次开发的意义 2
1.2.3 微流控芯片介绍 2
1.3 本课题研究的内容 3
2 SolidWorks二次开发的相关技术与蛇形流道微流控芯片工作原理 4
2.1 SolidWorks二次开发的相关技术 4
2.2 SolidWorks的API函数 5
2.2.1 API函数简介 5
2.3 本文使用的SolidWorks二次开发工具 5
2.4 SolidWorks二次开发方法及流程 7
2.4.1 SolidWorks二次开发方法 7
2.4.2 SolidWorks二次开发流程 8
2.5 蛇形流道微流控芯片工作原理 8
2.6 微流控芯片的制备 10
3 基于SolidWorks二次开发蛇形流道微流控芯片参数化设计 11
3.1 蛇形流道微流控芯片参数化设计 11
3.1.1 实现蛇形流道微流控芯片参数化的方法 11
3.1.2 蛇形流道微流控芯片设计过程 11
3.1.3蛇形流道微流控芯片的参数化 18
4 蛇形流道微流控芯片参数化系统的主界面设计与零件的自动装配 24
4.1参数化系统的主界面设计 24
4.2 零件的自动装配及实例展示 25
4.2.1 概述 25
4.2.2 自动装配的关键技术 25
4.2.3 自动装配的基本步骤 26
4.2.4 自动装配的过程及主要代码展示 26
5 总结 29
6 致谢 30
参考文献 32
1 绪论
- 本课题研究的背景和意义