摘 要
High spectral imaging system light source electrical design
In recent years, the high spectral imaging technology has made great breakthroughs in many fields. In order to ensure the reliability of the system, it is necessary to equip the light source with appropriate power driver module and monitor the state of the light source.
Aiming at the requirement of the high spectral imaging system on the reliability and electrical safety of the light source, the existing electrical system of the light source in the laboratory was analyzed and evaluated, and the improvement targets of the time sequence start-up and the monitoring of the working state of the light source were put forward. Compared with the PLC control scheme, the electrical system using delay relay and voltage comparison circuit was finally determined, and the control circuit and monitoring circuit were designed and made. The control box and feedback panel were made for the design scheme. This paper presents a special lamp holder design with photosensitive output signal, including ceramic material structure and corresponding circuit which can be used to install spotlights and photosensitive resistors. The control circuit and monitoring circuit are tested and the results show that the performance of the control circuit can meet the requirements of the light source electrical system for the high spectral imaging system. Finally, this paper evaluates the electrical control system of the light source and puts forward some Suggestions for improvement.
Keywords: hyperspectral imaging; Electrical control; Light source monitoring; Special lamp holder
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1高光谱成像系统应用背景 1
1.2光源电气要求 2
1.2.1高光谱成像设备 2
1.2.2高光谱成像光源分析 3
1.3研究内容与技术路线 4
1.3.1现有光源系统的特点和不足 4
1.3.2制定光源电气改进目标 5
1.3.3技术路线框图 6
2光源设计需求分析 7
2.1现有的光源系统 7
2.1.1光源结构 7
2.1.2电气控制 7
2.2电气改进要求 8
2.2.1开关控制 8
2.2.2光源工作过程监控 8
3光源电气控制系统设计 10
3.1开关灯顺序控制 10
3.1.1基于延迟继电器的控制方案设计 10
3.1.2继电器方案制作与测试 12
3.2工作状态监测 14
3.2.1基于光敏电阻的方案设计 14
3.2.2光敏电阻监测电路设计 15
3.2.3光敏电阻监测电路测试 15
3.2.4电压比较器和光敏电阻的监测电路设计 18
3.2.5电压比较器和光敏电阻的监测电路制作测试 19
3.3电气控制盒与反馈面板设计 22
3.3.1电气控制盒设计 22
3.3.2监测电路反馈面板设计 24
3.3.3电路安装方式 25
3.4专用灯座设计 26
4效果评估 28
4.1整体评估 28
4.2单元评估 28
4.2.1控制电路 28
4.2.2监测电路 29
5结论 30
5.1课题小结 30
5.2研究结论 30
致谢 31
1 绪论